&hint1=I am considered to be more approachable than similar works that came before me& &hint2=The subject here holds the gospel book of Christian salvation& &hint3=I am located at Chartres Cathedral& &hint4=This work shows Christ as a benevolent lord& &choices=Christ as the Beau Dieu;Apollo with Centaur and Lapith Woman;Head of Christ;Coatlicue;Christ Pantocrator;The Holy Trinity& &answer=Christ as the Beau Dieu& &search=Christ Beau Dieu& &title=Christ as the Beau Dieu (Benevolent Lord, or Teaching Christ)& &artist=& &medium=Limestone& &date=c.1225& &location=central portal, South Transept entrance, Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France& &dimensions=&